Optimizing rTMS for Reducing Smoking Cravings
Want to help us improve a new treatment for smoking cessation?
Researchers at the West Virginia University Department of Psychology and the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute are looking for volunteers with who smoke at least 8 cigarettes a day.
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a form of non-invasive brain stimulation that has recently been approved by the FDA as a treatment for smoking cessation. This research aims to determine how to make it as effective as possible though psychological intervention at the time of stimulation.
If eligible to participate, you will complete 3 testing sessions, about 1 week apart, each lasting about 3.5 hours. In each session, you will provide a urine sample for a drug screen, receive 10 minutes of rTMS, complete a brain imaging session, and complete tasks, questionnaires, and craving measures throughout.
If you complete the study, you could earn up to $470.
To take part you must:
• Be between 18-60 years old
• Have smoked at least 8 cigarettes a day for at least 6 months. It’s ok if you also vape.
• Have good written and spoken English
You cannot take part if you:
• Are currently receiving smoking cessation treatment of any kind or are planning to quit smoking in the next few months
• Have had treatment with TMS before
• Have a history of epilepsy or seizure disorder
• Have any metal or medical implants in your body that cannot be removed (e.g. aneurysm clips, a cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator, etc.)
• Have a neurological disorder (e.g. Parkinson’s) or have had a serious traumatic brain injury
• Suffer from a psychiatric or a substance use disorder (other than smoking)
• Have a shoulder-to-shoulder width of greater than 60cm (24”)
• Are pregnant or might be pregnant
Access the link below for more information: https://redcap.wvctsi.org/redcap/surveys/?s=N4XH997N894J9HPP
WVU IRB approval is on file, IRB #2301715815
Principal investigator: Mariya V. Cherkasova, PhD
Life Sciences, 53 Campus Dr., Morgantown, WV 26506