BBA Lab News
12/11/2024 - BBA lab holiday field trip.
We took a field trip to a local hot spot for some experiential learning about slot machines and to kick off the holiday decision. Thank you Isaac Kim for instigating and Jakob Bohland (Blank lab) for your guidance and contributions to our gambling research!
Maria and Polina presented their posters at SfN 2024!
8/14/2024: A new graduate student Isaac Kim has joined the lab. Welcome, Isaac!
Polina presented her work on e-cig cue-reactivity at FENS, 06/28/2024
New Grant!
Incredibly thrilled that the International Center for Responsible Gaming has funded our research on slot machine design features! Read here Mariya’s interview with WVY Today describing this research. This work will be carried out with co-investigators Luke Clark, the director of the Centre for Gambling Research at the University of British Columbia and Katheryn Kestner from the Behavior Analysis area in our department. Read Mariya’s interview about this work here.
New paper!
Cherkasova MV, Clark L, Barton JJS, Stoessl AJ, Winstanley CA. Risk-promoting effects of reward-paired cues in human sign- and goal-trackers. Behavioral Brain Research, 2024, 461: 114865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2024.114865
Spring and Summer WVU Undergraduate Research Symposia 2024.
Rosalyn Hill and Jonathan Stambaugh presenting at the Spring Research Symposium (while embodying the Alice in Wonderland illusion)
Rosalyn and Jonathan presented findings from a secondary meta-analysis they worked examining associations of sign-tracking with impulsivity and risky decision making in humans.
Rosalyn Hill presenting at the Summer Research Symposium
We were lucky o have Rosalyn funded by the SURE program in the Summer 2024. She presented the findings from her SURE project looking at data on gambling immersion.
06/19/2024: Kat Muksuris and Rosalyn Hill presented posters at the NISBRE conference in Washington DC.
Unfortunately, the lighting in the poster hall was not photo-friendly.
Kat presented a literature synthesis on non-invasive neuromodulation in animal models of PD.
Rosalyn presented findings from on sign-tracking in relation to impulsivity and risky decision making in humans.
12/16/2023: Polina Krom got her MSc! What a proud moment!
Maria Potts presented her first poster at SfN 2023!
Maria presenting a poster on risky decision making
Followed by some hanging out and networking with Brittany Elliott from our department and colleagues from UBC.
04/15/2023 - 04/28/2023. Gillian Kaier and Logan Riffey had a busy presentation season!
Gillian and Logan presented their Capstone study on food cue-reactivity, continuing Laura’s and Bri’s pilot work with EEG. Congratulations, well done!
New paper!
Muksuris K, Scarisbrick D, Mahoney JJ,III, Cherkasova MV. Noninvasive neuromodulation in Parkinson’s disease: insights from animal models. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, 12(17): 5448. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12175448
Laurel Highlands Undergraduate Psychology Conference
WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium
Neuroscience Capstone poster session
Psychology Capstone poster session
Neuroscience Capstone poster session, 11/30/2022
Congratulations to Laura Loeffelbein and Brianna Schlierf on their Capstone poster presentations! This was an enormous amount of work done in a short period of time and the first set of EEG data collected in the lab.
Society for Neuroscience, 2022
Congratulations to Polina on presenting her first SfN poster! Well done!
Neuroscience Capstone poster session, 4/29/2022
Congratulations to Alik on acing his Capstone poster presentation!
Alik presenting his work on gambling
Celebratory bowling
WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 4/9/2022
Jamie Dotson, Gillian Kaier, and Molly Summers presented their work at the spring Undergraduate Research Symposium. Well done!
Jamie presenting data from Polina’s thesis on sign- and goal-tracking in regular vapers.
Gillian and Molly presenting data on the effects reward-paired cues on reinforcement learning.
… And some post-symposium lab fun throwing axes and knives.
WCBR 2022
Great time presenting the first data from our lab at the Winter Conference on Brain Research (2022)! Almost forgot how fun in-person conferences were. And, of course, can’t complain about the skiing at Snowmass!
Our panel on maladaptive decision making in health and disease. Left to right: Jared Young, Mariya Cherkasova, Jacqueline Ferland, and Cole Vonder Haar. Another speaker in the panel, Donna Calu is, unfortunately, not in the picture. Jackie Ferland was not on the panel, but we are very happy to have her in the picture!
Mariya doing a little skiing
New paper!
Cherkasova MV, Fu J, Tam R, Rauscher A, Kolind S, Sossi V, Traboulsee A, Stoessl AJ. Brain morphology predicts long-term placebo response in multiple sclerosis patients. Scientific Reports, Epub ahead of print.
WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium, 12/4/2021
Congratulations to Alik Assi and Margaret Crow on presenting their poster on The Effects of Reward-Related Sensory Game Features on Simulated Online Gambling at the WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium and winning the poster competition in the Social & Behavioral Sciences category! Well done, Margaret and Alik!
2021 Symposium on Substance Use Research
11/10/2021 - Congratulations to Moyo Jacobs on presenting a poster on her work looking at risky decision making in stimulant use and gambling disorders at the 2021 Symposium on Substance Use Research!